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Support for Testcontainers Native#

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Any bug reports, feature requests and comments are welcome! The project keeps evolving, and any feedback from end users and developers will be appreciated.

Community Support Channels#

Join the #testcontainers-native channel on the Testcontainers Slack. At the moment, this is single channel for all project matters.

Raising Issues and Feature Requests#

Use GitHub Issues. Note that it may take some time to get a response, thanks for your patience. Contributions are always welcome, see the Contributor Guide.

Reporting Security Issues#

You can submit any security issue or suspected vulnerability on GitHub Security. Please do NOT use public GitHub Issues for reporting vulnerabilities.

Read More - Security Policy.

Commercial Support and Customization#

The creator of this project, Oleg Nenashev, is available for consulting projects in the areas of developer tools, including Testcontainers Native and adapters for C/C++. Development of this project will continue regardless of commercial contracts, but of course your support can help the project to move forward. GitHub Sponsorships will be appreciated too.